>> Saturday, December 13, 2008

To send comments to Kim click the "Commets" link below!


From Rasheed

Happy 50th Kim. Thanks for everything. I especially enjoyed all the time I got to spend with ya'll when I was stationed in San Diego. See you soon. Your baby brother Rasheed


From Cousin Anna


Happy Birthday from Talisha

>> Friday, December 12, 2008

Hey Mrs. Kim,
I just wanted to wish you a wonderful birthday!! I wish you all the best and hope that you celebrate your special day to the fullest. There are some wonderful people that I have encountered in my life and you are definitely on that list. I appreciate all that you have done for me and my family. Many Blessings to you, Love , Peace, and Prosperity!!! Love Talisha


Happy Birthday Kim

Happy Birthday Kim:

This is a day to rejoice, because God has made this day, December 12, 2008, to rejoice
and be glad in it. He has made this day to celebrate YOU! His beautiful creation.
A person who He has made in His image. You are a gift from God. As you know, gifts are special and everyone
loves gifts. However, the fun and exciting part about opening a gift is finding what is inside.
Getting to know you is like opening a gift to see what is inside. I thank God for bring you into my life.
I am the one who is getting the birthday gift.

Loving you,



From Barbara

I remember when my brother told us that he was going to marry you. I wanted to know who this girl was who was trying to get my brother. And with much wonder I awaited that day. The person I met was sweet, friendly (not a snob like last one), was positive and very fun to be around. I didn't get to really know you until your wedding day, when I met your family. I was highly impressed. You have a mother who is a woman I admire for her ingenuity and a father who was a true father. Your family was so down to earth that I wished I could have been a part. Well, I became a part when you married my brother. Kim, if I had to describe you with one word, it would be "Jewel". You make people love you! I really miss all of the fun we shared. I remember I got to know you even better on our journey to California.

I guess I had better end. If I broke down and shared all I want to say I
think I would have a book (Best seller, of course! --ha! ha!). If I was
given a chance to describe you in two word, it would be "Precious Jewel".
Sis, stay who you are -- Well, after 50 years you really don't have a choice. You are who you are ... and I love you!

God Bless!



Happy Birthday To You!!!

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My friend! What a blessing it has been to get to know you. You bring so much joy to any group you are in. You always have a kind word and a wonderful smile. I am so glad God put you in my life.

Welcome to the 50's club! It is all good and we have a blast!

God Bless and have a wonderful day!

Your friend


From Margaret

>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happpppppppppppppy Birthday Kim,

May your 50th birthday be everything you dreamed in life it would be. If anyone deserves the best it is you Kim because you are a rare jewel from God!

Proverbs 31: (King James Version)
10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
15She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
25Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Love Always,
Margaret, Cleveland, Kirk, Marcus, Kassidy and Nayia


From Thorton, Devina, Thorton II, and Kiah

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

Kim u have always been more like a sister rather an sister in-law I have always loved your spirit God has really blessed you with that great personality and love for your family. Devina, thornton II, Kiah and of course me say happy birthday. Love u and we wish u plenty more.


From Naimah






From Fernando Fernandez

Feliz cumpleanos mi amiga!! Fern


From Ray Lewis

Dearest Kimmy,

You are the nifty-est fifty-year-old I know! You are so positive, fun, and caring. Everyone always wants to be with you. You are a true friend and you always participate in events and activities. We are all better for knowing you. I hope you have the best birthday ever. Here's a little poem for you on your big day!

The Big Five-Oh

So you are finally fifty;
Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.
I guess you could fill a great big book
With everything you know.

A whole half century of living
Is nothing to sneeze about,
So if you're a little patched and worn,
Don't you dare frown or pout.

Ignore things that make you feel old;
It's really great to be fifty.
You're smart, attractive and good company,
And I still think you're nifty!




From Jia Li

Dear Kim.
Happy Birthday to you! I am glad I can celebrate this special day with you this year; I wish I could celebrate your birthday with you every year. ☺
When Laura sent us email telling us we would have a birthday surprise for you, I felt so happy and heartwarming. Remember when my parents left San Diego, you told me not to be sad and you would be my mom here. I was so touched and happy, and I have been keeping that in my heart all the time. I see you and my whole RFP team like my family, too. You are my mom, Della, Kim, Sheilah and Laura is all my sisters, I have a big sweet family here, you guys always bring me happiness. I think I am the luckiest person. My friends always say to me that whenever I talk about my job and my coworkers, my eyes are shining brighter; I am just full of happiness because of you guys.
Kim, I am so glad I know you and work with you. You have helped me a lot since I work here. Every day I see you are happy and smiling. Sometime when I hear you laugh in your cube even though I don’t know what made you laugh, I would laugh with you…and I don’t know why, either. ☺
Wish you another wonderful year of happiness and joy. Happy Birthday, Kim!

Best wishes.



From Ed Blodgett

‘Twas the fall of '08, and all through the room
Everyone's head was filled up with gloom.
The market was falling and every new session
Brought more crummy news and talk of depression.
The stocks were all crashing, the market looked grim
Lucky for us, we still had our Kim!

Her jolly bright smile, so lively and quick
Would be just the thing, would do just the trick!
Her eyes how they twinkled, her dimples how merry
She brightened our hearts like a singing canary!
She said not a word, but went right to her work
When the going gets tough our Kim doesn't shirk!

A beautiful girl, so lovely and trim
If you need it done quick, just call on our Kim!
She brightens the room, and warms up our hearts
And then she returns to making her charts.
She may work like crazy with the rest of the staff

But all through the day she makes everyone laugh!
She's a wonderful girl, so quick and so nifty
It's hard to believe she's going to be Fifty!
How could it be, when she's clearly so young
Why the prime of her life has barely begun!

It's really unfair that she's still lookin' thirty
And she's bouncing around all pretty and flirty.
She seems 20 years younger and spryer to boot
Could she be fifty and still be so cute?!?

It's so hard to fathom, but alas it's quite true
Apparently she is just one of the few
Who can light up our lives with the sparkle of youth
And no one around her suspected the truth:
That even though she looks great in a skirt
The fact of the matter is she's older than dirt!

Happy Birthday Kim!!!


From Laura Arrowood

Kim –

How lucky was I to land in your department at Brandes??!? I’ll never forget – one of the first things I ever heard you say was during my interview when I said I had a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. After a brief pause, you said incredulously, “What were you going to do with that??” It was so refreshing to hear someone say what they were thinking! And I still think it’s funny. ; )

I feel so fortunate to have gotten to know you over the years. You have unknowingly taught me so many things, including:
1) How to say no (though I’m still working on this one),
2) Don’t stress losing something - missing things are bound to turn up sometime,
3) Perfectionism is over-rated. Good enough is good enough!
4) It’s okay to change departments – and then to come back!

You are such a special person, Kim! Whenever I mention you to my mom and ask if she remembers which co-worker you are, she always says, “Of course! She’s the one with that beautiful smile!”

In helping to gather information for this website, it was awesome to see how many people care about you and think highly of you. Thanks for being such a great co-worker, teacher, and friend.

You’re fabulous - at fifty – and way better than Madonna!

Your friend, Laura : )


From Kim Darling

It has been a great pleasure knowing you and working with you these many years. You are so quick to laugh and make others around you laugh, you are such a positive addition to our team and the company in general. I am so happy to have been able to share many wonderful occasions with you, from teambuildings to the special events of co-workers, to my own special events, most recently marriage and a baby. You’ve been there for them all! I am proud to share my namesake with you, especially now that we are the only “Kim” representatives at the firm!! I am also proud and blessed to count you amongst my friends. Enjoy your very special birthday and the very wonderful friends and family who put this awesome tribute together for you!


From Deborah Manzano

Aloha Kim,

You hit the 1/2 century point in life and don't look it at all. Must be all that healthy food you are eating. When I come visit, we'll have a shot of wheat grass on me....okay????
What do you want from Hawaii besides me? ?A hula skirt to sway your hips in for Nate???

Or....maybe some coconuts to shake rattle and roll. Oh my dear friend....wish I was there for your Big 50, but will be shortly God Willing to sing a happy b'day song to you in person. You are a beautiful lovely lady with the biggest smile and whites teeth......I love you even if you are a Democrat hehehehe.....

"My blessings to you for the greatest year of your life"
Be in Joy
Be well
Be happy
Soar to great heights my friend
Hau'oli La Hanau (Happy Birthday)


From Parker Jones

In a market environment where the only thing that is predictable in unpredictability, we are all lucky to have a person like Kim Williams around. Kim has a contagious smile and happy joyful attitude. Unfortunately, I am not around the San Diego office enough to benefit from her presence, however, I do make it a point to see her whenever visiting. She is the San Diego sunshine that I lack up here in gloomy Seattle!

Now Kim, don’t let all these praise go to your head. I will always make it a point to give you a hard time!

Happy Birthday!! Now go hit Tio Leos on Judy!



From Jan Pruitt

Hi Kim:
HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You certainly do not look 50, nor do you act 50, whatever that means. You are a “styling” woman that glows in God’s love!
What a milestone day in your life!
This is what one calls “a BIG” birthday!
Those “0” birthdays are always big; however, this “5-0” birthday seems bigger for some reason. It must be that half a century stuff that puts us into reality.

Personally, I am thanking God for the privilege of knowing you and being part of your life. You are such a gift to me. More than you will ever know. While I have known you both at Brandes and through Soroptimist, I have totally enjoyed having you in my life. We share the same ideals for women. We even share some of the same friends such as Deborah Manzano.

You are a beautiful, gracious woman inside and out. I am honored to know you and call you my friend. God has blessed you in a mighty way. May God bless you and shower you with His richest blessings today and always.



From Della

Happy Birthday Kim!!!

Working with you for the past 13 years has been a great experience! Even though I have only known you for about a fifth of your life I feel very blessed! When I met you I thought you were less than 35 then. I’m sure no one could guess your age correctly by looking at you-you are beautiful-you should do commercials for some of those beauty products for anti-aging- but then you might not work at Brandes anymore because you would become rich and famous ☺ So on second thought don’t do that.

You are a wonderful person with a huge heart and smile and I wish you another 50 years of success and happiness!

Blessings & love,


From Laura Cole

Dear Kim,

Happy 50th! I'm so glad that God put you in my life, and that you are my "birthday buddy". Have a wonderful year with many blessings, peace, and joy. \



From Erica and Martina

Hi Auntie Kim,
We wish you a wonderful birthday and we wanted you to know that we were thinking of you on this your day. We hope that you enjoy your day relaxing or having a big celebration. We love you! Erica and Martina


From Kevin & Nancie Maser

Dear Kim,

SURPRISE!!! And Happy Birthday! You can’t possibly be 50?
We think maybe you had Ayesha when you were 12 so now you’re about 40 right? We can’t tell you how much we have cherished being your neighbors. Your smile never fails to brighten our day. It has been especially fun to share our feelings over the last 20 months culminating on November 4th! It’s not easy being Blue in a Red neighborhood! All our best wishes for a wonderful Birthday.

Kevin & Nancie Maser

Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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