Happy Birthday Kim

>> Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim:

This is a day to rejoice, because God has made this day, December 12, 2008, to rejoice
and be glad in it. He has made this day to celebrate YOU! His beautiful creation.
A person who He has made in His image. You are a gift from God. As you know, gifts are special and everyone
loves gifts. However, the fun and exciting part about opening a gift is finding what is inside.
Getting to know you is like opening a gift to see what is inside. I thank God for bring you into my life.
I am the one who is getting the birthday gift.

Loving you,



Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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