From Ed Blodgett

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

‘Twas the fall of '08, and all through the room
Everyone's head was filled up with gloom.
The market was falling and every new session
Brought more crummy news and talk of depression.
The stocks were all crashing, the market looked grim
Lucky for us, we still had our Kim!

Her jolly bright smile, so lively and quick
Would be just the thing, would do just the trick!
Her eyes how they twinkled, her dimples how merry
She brightened our hearts like a singing canary!
She said not a word, but went right to her work
When the going gets tough our Kim doesn't shirk!

A beautiful girl, so lovely and trim
If you need it done quick, just call on our Kim!
She brightens the room, and warms up our hearts
And then she returns to making her charts.
She may work like crazy with the rest of the staff

But all through the day she makes everyone laugh!
She's a wonderful girl, so quick and so nifty
It's hard to believe she's going to be Fifty!
How could it be, when she's clearly so young
Why the prime of her life has barely begun!

It's really unfair that she's still lookin' thirty
And she's bouncing around all pretty and flirty.
She seems 20 years younger and spryer to boot
Could she be fifty and still be so cute?!?

It's so hard to fathom, but alas it's quite true
Apparently she is just one of the few
Who can light up our lives with the sparkle of youth
And no one around her suspected the truth:
That even though she looks great in a skirt
The fact of the matter is she's older than dirt!

Happy Birthday Kim!!!


Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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