From Laura Arrowood

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

Kim –

How lucky was I to land in your department at Brandes??!? I’ll never forget – one of the first things I ever heard you say was during my interview when I said I had a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. After a brief pause, you said incredulously, “What were you going to do with that??” It was so refreshing to hear someone say what they were thinking! And I still think it’s funny. ; )

I feel so fortunate to have gotten to know you over the years. You have unknowingly taught me so many things, including:
1) How to say no (though I’m still working on this one),
2) Don’t stress losing something - missing things are bound to turn up sometime,
3) Perfectionism is over-rated. Good enough is good enough!
4) It’s okay to change departments – and then to come back!

You are such a special person, Kim! Whenever I mention you to my mom and ask if she remembers which co-worker you are, she always says, “Of course! She’s the one with that beautiful smile!”

In helping to gather information for this website, it was awesome to see how many people care about you and think highly of you. Thanks for being such a great co-worker, teacher, and friend.

You’re fabulous - at fifty – and way better than Madonna!

Your friend, Laura : )


Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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