From Ray Lewis

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

Dearest Kimmy,

You are the nifty-est fifty-year-old I know! You are so positive, fun, and caring. Everyone always wants to be with you. You are a true friend and you always participate in events and activities. We are all better for knowing you. I hope you have the best birthday ever. Here's a little poem for you on your big day!

The Big Five-Oh

So you are finally fifty;
Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.
I guess you could fill a great big book
With everything you know.

A whole half century of living
Is nothing to sneeze about,
So if you're a little patched and worn,
Don't you dare frown or pout.

Ignore things that make you feel old;
It's really great to be fifty.
You're smart, attractive and good company,
And I still think you're nifty!




Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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