From Kim Darling

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

It has been a great pleasure knowing you and working with you these many years. You are so quick to laugh and make others around you laugh, you are such a positive addition to our team and the company in general. I am so happy to have been able to share many wonderful occasions with you, from teambuildings to the special events of co-workers, to my own special events, most recently marriage and a baby. You’ve been there for them all! I am proud to share my namesake with you, especially now that we are the only “Kim” representatives at the firm!! I am also proud and blessed to count you amongst my friends. Enjoy your very special birthday and the very wonderful friends and family who put this awesome tribute together for you!


Ayesha, Nat, and Kadri would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this website! Kim is not only special to us but to everyone that she encounters. This site was made with Love!

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